Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Emotional vocab

It’s a shame emotions are all inherantly attached to cliches. The reason for this, is that we all feel them and all have described them over and over again. Our brains are rattling full of bunches of words illustrating them, so its hard for us to really be present when experiencing them. We cant live in an isolated, vacuum away from the incessant din. We also can’t truly encapsulate something as abstract and complex as love or envy in a word.

Its frustrating but only when I’m tired and I don’t want to have to try, because it also puts the hunger in my belly for the words. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's quite amazing how easily our bodies can cure maladies by using the most basic of health regimes. One technique that is used in Japan requires a person to drink 1260 milliliters of water (less than a liter and a half) before consuming anything or brushing their teeth. The person should then wait 45 minutes before eating breakfast. The article states that using this regime over an extended period of time has cured Diabetes, Pulmonary Tuberculosis and even Cancer. Perhaps these are isolated cases with a few more factors at work than the article gives credit for (it gives the credit solely to water therapy), nonetheless it's amazing to think that just a little planning every morning could save a person hundreds of dollars in medication per month.

It does cause you to pee a lot though... On second thought, I'll get a large coffee and a Bacon, Egg and Cheese Mac'Muffin. Yeah, and throw one of those hash browns up in the mix.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In the beginning...

To start out I would like to explain just a little about this project, The Corporate Vagabond Blog. The name Corporate Vagabond (or CVB as I have begun endearingly calling it in the past 30 seconds that it has been in operation), speaks to the nature of my current work as an Admissions Counselor and Recruitment Coordinator for the American University in Bulgaria. In this job I am half stoop-backed, paper shuffling bureaucrat and half bright-eyed, slick haired traveling salesman. Which in my interpretation means I am Corporate (I work for a non-profit educational institution) and am a vagabond (with a home and a job), because I prefer vagabonds over traveling salesmen. They always have vivid hyperbolic stories to tell, as will I.

As an afterthought I googled the name of this blog and found similar titles, but in spite of my wounded creative pride decided to keep it, because I think it is catchy and captures what I hope will be its essence.

Which brings me to the point of this Blog. I have been searching for a way to discipline myself to write more and in a more structure manner, to keep my scribe muscle lithe and limber. A friend suggested a blog about travel. This would work however I do not travel frequently enough to write as extensively as I would like. I have previously tried to write a blog about my own personal philosophies, but that was very short-lived as I have only a few. Instead this blog should capture something bigger than just myself, my opinions and the things I do. That would be great! But Im not sure what's left. This noble goal will probably fail and I will write the usual self-congratulatory musings that are found in other blogs. I will probably mix it up with some current politics, culture, music, experience, comings, goings, happiness, sadness, death, destruction, life and rebirth. But first, let me begin.